Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Nice day.

Yes, I might get used to posting regularly...
Went to Cafe Chaos with Janina. Well. And with Ulf and Cornelius.

As I pretend that this is some kind of fashionblog... This was todays outfit. Not to interesting but I love the skirt (American Apparel). It's going to be part of much more outfits. Ribbon is H&M, shoes are Topshop and the lace-leotard is my mommys.

What do you guys think about those shoes?

And this scarf-thing?


  1. wah. schal ist toll. (rock sowieso!) aber schuhe. naja. nicht meins :D

    was macht american apparel?

  2. ja schal find ich auch toll.
    schuhe sind merkwürdig irgendwie.
    ich freu mich auf die bilder von heute!

  3. auch meine stimme für den schal. und schuhe erinnern mich an die von pippi langstrumpf :D
